
To get the development version of the magpie package, clone this repository and install the dependencies by running npm install in the terminal.



  • master - Current stable version.
  • development - Development version. This is where new features or bug fixes are pushed. When the version is stable, the branch is merged into master.

(1) Source files

  • lib contains the Command Line interface as well as the scaffolding files for new magpie projects
  • src/ contains the main source code
    • Each component folder contains a which will be prepended to the reference for that section
    • This file is created automatically from the JavaScript source files
  • styleguidist/ contains the initialization code for the reference documentation
  • styleguidist.config.js contains the configuration for the reference documentation

(2) Build the docs

Option 1: Build the reference documentation while developing

Use npm run docs command from the magpie-base folder to start a process which watches for changes in the files in src and makes a fully built version of the docs available on your local machine.

Option 2: Make changes to the files and then build the reference documentation

Run npm run docs:build from the magpie-base folder. This command outputs the reference docs in the styleguide folder.

(3) Develop experiments with your local version of magpie-base

In order to install your local version of magpie-base in a magpie project without publishing it first...

  1. Run npm link in the folder magpie-base
  2. Go to your project folder
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm link magpie-base to install the version of magpie-base that you just ran npm link in.

(4) Merge into master

(5) Publish to npm

Run npm publish from the magpie-base folder to publish the new version of magpie.

No build step is required before publishing.